Mid Southern Conference (Boys) 2024

Sellersburg, IN

Athlete Entries

Alt Boys 100 Meter Dash 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wate, Jack 12.10 Corydon Central High School
Ponsford, Seth 12.10h Salem High School
Ault, Landon 12.15 Brownstown Central High School
Lockhart, Devon 12.23 Charlestown High School
Deaton, Noah 12.54 Salem High School
Coleman, Jeremiah 12.76 Silver Creek High School
Batchelor, Preston 13.05 Silver Creek High School
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Alt Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wise, Jansen 18.19 Corydon Central High School
Sweany, Trey 18.34h Brownstown Central High School
Houchin, Graham 21.20h Salem High School
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Alt Boys 1600 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chandler, Hagen 4:45.10h Austin High School
Smith, Alex 4:49.40 Silver Creek High School
Lee, Cooper 5:15.23 Charlestown High School
Meriwether, Jonas 5:16.00 Corydon Central High School
Owens, Damien 5:16.40 Brownstown Central High School
Henry, Cooper 5:36.00h Salem High School
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Alt Boys 200 Meter Dash 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Camran 24.21 Charlestown High School
Wilkinson, Thomas 25.00 Corydon Central High School
Nguyen, Lenny 25.30h Salem High School
Murley, Canon 26.03 Silver Creek High School
Branaman, Trevor 26.47 Brownstown Central High School
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Alt Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wise, Jansen 47.39 Corydon Central High School
Sweany, Trey 50.32 Brownstown Central High School
Cole, Aiden 55.50 Salem High School
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Alt Boys 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chandler, Hagen 10:25.47 Austin High School
Smith, Alex 10:53.79 Silver Creek High School
Crockett, Eli 11:01.00 Brownstown Central High School
Walters, Brayden 11:32.30 Salem High School
Robertson, Kyler 11:45.04 Corydon Central High School
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Alt Boys 400 Meter Dash 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamilton, Isaac Corydon Central High School
Mather, Micaiah 1:01.10 Salem High School
Murley, Canon 57.13 Silver Creek High School
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Alt Boys 800 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wellman, Traven Brownstown Central High School
Day, Brady 2:04 Silver Creek High School
Miller, Christian 2:13.81 Corydon Central High School
Miller, Jacob 2:25.97 Salem High School
Davidson, Rory 2:57.37 Salem High School
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Alt Boys Discus Throw 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stuckwisch, Sloan 107-0 Brownstown Central High School
Pedigo, Mason 99-9 Corydon Central High School
Morris, Ethan 90-10 Austin High School
Ramirez, Lukas 88-2 Silver Creek High School
Applegate, Blake 68-3 Salem High School
Haynes, Alex 4-11 Silver Creek High School
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Alt Boys High Jump 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Branaman, Trevor 5-0 Brownstown Central High School
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Alt Boys Long Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cornelius, Aiden 16-8.5 Charlestown High School
Morgan, Jonah 16-7 Salem High School
Lee, Kelo 14-9.5 Silver Creek High School
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Alt Boys Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harbeson, Noah 8-6 Corydon Central High School
Miller, William 8-0 Brownstown Central High School
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Alt Boys Shot Put 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutchinson, Isaac 44-5.75 Brownstown Central High School
Sanchez, Alex 37-8.75 Silver Creek High School
Hibbs, Hayden 35-7 Corydon Central High School
Cornwell, Brandon 34-6 Salem High School
Allen, Zachary 32-6 Silver Creek High School
Bowling, John 28-3 Austin High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Tucker 10.84 North Harrison High School
Scharrer, Logan 11.14 Corydon Central High School
Fritz, Hudson 11.24 Brownstown Central High School
Lawyer, Carson 11.43 Corydon Central High School
Tefft, Vance 11.44h Salem High School
Pace, Jack 11.47 Brownstown Central High School
Gemme, Colin 11.55 Charlestown High School
Dukes, Chandler 11.70 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Nguyen, Lenny 11.71 Salem High School
Yalcin, Jonas 11.94 Silver Creek High School
Coats, Caleb 11.96 Austin High School
Gazaway, Deontay 11.99 Silver Creek High School
Salkeld, Cole 12.02 Scottsburg High School
Sieg, Donald 12.20 North Harrison High School
Wickey, Matthew 12.20 Scottsburg High School
Bowling, Ian 12.38 Austin High School
Brading, Colton 12.39 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Mobley, Leland 12.50 Charlestown High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Megnin, Darrius 15.40 Corydon Central High School
Engle, Isiaah 16.24 Brownstown Central High School
Hutcheson, Gregory 17.06 Brownstown Central High School
Abell, Michael 17.26 Corydon Central High School
Dean, Charles 17.64h Salem High School
Lee, Treyton 18.10 Silver Creek High School
Waynescott, Joshua 18.28 North Harrison High School
Anderson, Brady 19.18 Silver Creek High School
Byrd, Nathan 19.34 Scottsburg High School
Knapik, Darren 19.68 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Langley, Lucas 20.70 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Cole, Aiden 20.90 Salem High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Trey 4:25.71 Silver Creek High School
LaHue, Booker 4:29.70 Corydon Central High School
Mata, Carlos 4:32.48 Austin High School
Ratliff, Chance 4:33.46 Brownstown Central High School
Day, Brady 4:35.19 Silver Creek High School
Ratliff, Shane 4:35.90h Brownstown Central High School
Muncy, Jadon 4:35.97 Scottsburg High School
Temple, Kaden 4:39.80 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Wells, Rafe 4:41.30 Salem High School
Hamilton, Isaac 4:42.00 Corydon Central High School
Konkler, Brayden 4:43.40 Austin High School
Gemme, Cameron 4:43.70 Charlestown High School
Everhart, Conner 4:47.52 Scottsburg High School
Miller, Jacob 5:00.79 Salem High School
Hammond, Luke 5:19.68 Charlestown High School
Jones, Colin 5:36.80 Eastern High School (Pekin)
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Tucker 22.61 North Harrison High School
Lawyer, Carson 22.97 Corydon Central High School
Fritz, Hudson 23.09 Brownstown Central High School
Pace, Jack 23.15 Brownstown Central High School
Gemme, Colin 23.55 Charlestown High School
Tefft, Vance 23.94h Salem High School
Chisman, Wyatt 23.95 Charlestown High School
Wate, Jack 23.97 Corydon Central High School
Salkeld, Cole 24.16 Scottsburg High School
Kritzer, Finn 24.30 Salem High School
Brading, Colton 24.70 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Yalcin, Jonas 24.85 Silver Creek High School
Coats, Caleb 25.07 Austin High School
Bowling, Ian 25.15 Austin High School
Sieg, Donald 25.24h North Harrison High School
Batchelor, Preston 25.43 Silver Creek High School
Hamilton, Luke 25.93 Scottsburg High School
Schear, Anthony 26.28 Eastern High School (Pekin)
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
George, Isaiah Eastern High School (Pekin)
Megnin, Darrius 40.41 Corydon Central High School
Engle, Isiaah 41.41 Brownstown Central High School
Dean, Charles 42.44 Salem High School
Hutcheson, Gregory 42.66 Brownstown Central High School
Abell, Michael 43.76 Corydon Central High School
Lee, Treyton 45.34 Silver Creek High School
Hacker, Leif 45.51 Austin High School
Temple, Kaden 45.83 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Nease, Devin 47.51 Austin High School
Sieg, Brady 48.24 North Harrison High School
Anderson, Brady 48.88 Silver Creek High School
Houchin, Graham 50.20h Salem High School
Iglesias, Liam 50.66 Charlestown High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Theriault, Austin Charlestown High School
Konkler, Brayden 10:07.71 Austin High School
Hamilton, Isaac 10:28.86 Corydon Central High School
James, Logan 11:04.98 Silver Creek High School
Wells, Rafe 11:14.45 Salem High School
Everhart, Conner 11:27.00 Scottsburg High School
Shearer, Brennan 11:27.69 Corydon Central High School
Merritt, Jacob 11:50.15 North Harrison High School
White, Aiden 12:01.06 Austin High School
Henry, Cooper 12:10.49 Salem High School
Merker, Henri 12:13.35 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Lopez Sanchez, Denver 12:26.01 Charlestown High School
Colvin, Lincoln 13:00.00 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Smith, Trey 9:44.44 Silver Creek High School
Ratliff, Chance 9:51.86 Brownstown Central High School
Muncy, Jadon 9:54.66 Scottsburg High School
Ratliff, Shane 9:59.01 Brownstown Central High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramsey, Blake 1:02.61 Salem High School
Mitchell, Camran 49.94 Charlestown High School
Smith, Tucker 51.02 North Harrison High School
Driver, Garrett 51.18 Brownstown Central High School
Combs, Kye 51.41 Corydon Central High School
Chisman, Wyatt 52.45 Charlestown High School
Kritzer, Finn 53.50 Salem High School
Lee, Ethan 54.57 Austin High School
Lee, Kelo 56.27 Silver Creek High School
Ault, Landon 56.60h Brownstown Central High School
Colwell, Jamison 56.78 Silver Creek High School
Jones, Kaden 57.40 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Miller, Christian 57.42 Corydon Central High School
Konkler, Jaxon 58.40h Austin High School
Reed, Kameron 58.62 Scottsburg High School
Pfisterer, Stelio 58.88 Scottsburg High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.86 Corydon Central High School
Relay Team A 43.98 Brownstown Central High School
Relay Team A 45.71 North Harrison High School
Relay Team A 46.34 Salem High School
Relay Team A 46.63 Silver Creek High School
Relay Team A 46.70 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Relay Team A 46.93 Scottsburg High School
Relay Team A 48.08 Charlestown High School
Relay Team A 48.40 Austin High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:26.85 Corydon Central High School
Relay Team A 3:28.69 Charlestown High School
Relay Team A 3:36.40h Brownstown Central High School
Relay Team A 3:38.73 Salem High School
Relay Team A 3:39.17 Austin High School
Relay Team A 3:40.43 Silver Creek High School
Relay Team A 3:46.70 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Relay Team A 3:49.93 North Harrison High School
Relay Team A 3:56.00 Scottsburg High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.85 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Relay Team A 10:09.40 North Harrison High School
Relay Team A 8:14.03 Silver Creek High School
Relay Team A 8:29.62 Austin High School
Relay Team A 8:29.75 Corydon Central High School
Relay Team A 8:36.49 Brownstown Central High School
Relay Team A 8:58.20 Scottsburg High School
Relay Team A 9:08.48 Charlestown High School
Relay Team A 9:31.67 Salem High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chandler, Hagen Austin High School
Graham, Ryan 1:56.59 Silver Creek High School
Lewis, Sawyer 1:59.92 Corydon Central High School
Mata, Carlos 2:03.07 Austin High School
Gemme, Cameron 2:03.65 Charlestown High School
LaHue, Booker 2:05.50 Corydon Central High School
Smith, Alex 2:06.28 Silver Creek High School
Crockett, Eli 2:07.50h Brownstown Central High School
Wells, Rafe 2:10.69 Salem High School
Everhart, Conner 2:11.78 Scottsburg High School
Owens, Damien 2:16.5 Brownstown Central High School
Lee, Cooper 2:16.51 Charlestown High School
Hunt, Isaiah 2:25.52 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Walters, Brayden 2:26.60 Salem High School
Squire, Christopher 2:27.00 North Harrison High School
Radcliff, Cooper 2:27.87 North Harrison High School
Krieger, Aiden 2:31.39 Scottsburg High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutchinson, Isaac 139-0 Brownstown Central High School
Disque, Jaden 136-10 Brownstown Central High School
Hibbs, Hayden 122-3 Corydon Central High School
Smith, Thomas 120-7 Austin High School
Robison, Alex 117-9 Scottsburg High School
Chavez, Dantae 104-8 Corydon Central High School
Bowling, John 103-10 Austin High School
Love, Bryson 103-5 Charlestown High School
Richardson, Christopher 99-9 Scottsburg High School
Martinez, Christian 97-2 Charlestown High School
Partipilo, Frankie 97-0 Silver Creek High School
Allen, Zachary 97-0 Silver Creek High School
Schear, Anthony 96-3 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Bullock, Rhilee 91-2 Salem High School
Lee, Vincent 89-10 North Harrison High School
Cornwell, Brandon 83-11 Salem High School
Radcliff, Cooper 81-9 North Harrison High School
Temple, Brody 75-11 Eastern High School (Pekin)
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HS Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waynescott, Joshua 6-2 North Harrison High School
Dukes, Chandler 6-1 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Wilkinson, Thomas 5-10 Corydon Central High School
Osting, Caiden 5-8 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Mobley, Leland 5-8 Charlestown High School
Anderson, Brady 5-6 Silver Creek High School
Abell, Michael 5-6 Corydon Central High School
Coats, Trayton 5-6 Scottsburg High School
Nease, Devin 5-6 Austin High School
Conyer, Nathaniel 5-4 Brownstown Central High School
Cornelius, Aiden 5-4 Charlestown High School
Yalcin, Jonas 5-2 Silver Creek High School
Dean, Brock 5-2 Brownstown Central High School
Morgan, Jonah 5-0 Salem High School
Byrum, Luke 4-10 Salem High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scharrer, Logan 21-4 Corydon Central High School
Kritzer, Finn 20-4 Salem High School
Waynescott, Joshua 20-3.5 North Harrison High School
Lawyer, Carson 20-2.75 Corydon Central High School
Dukes, Chandler 20-2 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Pace, Jack 19-1.75 Brownstown Central High School
Gazaway, Deontay 18-9 Silver Creek High School
Robison, Ethan 18-9 Scottsburg High School
Coleman, Jeremiah 18-2 Silver Creek High School
Howard, Gunner 17-8 Austin High School
Pfisterer, Stelio 17-7 Scottsburg High School
Houglin, Izaiah 17-7 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Mobley, Leland 17-7 Charlestown High School
Lockhart, Devon 17-5.5 Charlestown High School
Cowan, Mason 17-4 Brownstown Central High School
Murphy, Brett 17-2 Salem High School
Mullins, Bryson 17-0 Austin High School
Best, John 16-4 North Harrison High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ponsford, Seth 12-0 Salem High School
Whittaker, Brody 11-0 North Harrison High School
Wise, Jansen 11-0 Corydon Central High School
Baker, Jordan 11-0 Corydon Central High School
Nease, Devin 11-0 Austin High School
Broadus, Aven 10-0 Scottsburg High School
Peak, Bryce 9-6 Brownstown Central High School
Jones, Colin 9-6 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Wickey, Matthew 9-0 Scottsburg High School
Osting, Caiden 9-0 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Blann, Brady 8-0 Brownstown Central High School
Schroering, Eli 7-0 North Harrison High School
Cole, Aiden 7-0 Salem High School
Iglesias, Liam 7-0 Charlestown High School
Chisman, Wyatt 6-6 Charlestown High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Disque, Jaden 45-10 Brownstown Central High School
Craig, Ben 45-9 Scottsburg High School
Smith, Thomas 41-5 Austin High School
Stuckwisch, Sloan 40-8 Brownstown Central High School
Bullock, Rhilee 38-3 Salem High School
Ramirez, Lukas 37-0.75 Silver Creek High School
Haynes, Alex 36-11.25 Silver Creek High School
Richardson, Christopher 36-1 Scottsburg High School
Martinez, Christian 35-1 Charlestown High School
Chavez, Dantae 34-11 Corydon Central High School
Applegate, Blake 34-10 Salem High School
Morris, Ethan 34-3 Austin High School
Pedigo, Mason 33-7 Corydon Central High School
Love, Bryson 33-2 Charlestown High School
Lee, Vincent 31-7.5 North Harrison High School
Knapik, Darren 30-1 Eastern High School (Pekin)
Radcliff, Cooper 23-2 North Harrison High School
Bongibault, Kaleb Eastern High School (Pekin)
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