Bethel Invitational 2024 vs Bethel Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -20 137 157
Overall Average +2:30.22 24:43.36 22:13.14
1st-10th Place +43.21 19:50.66 19:07.45
1st-25th Place +57.01 20:22.64 19:25.64
1st-50th Place +1:20.72 21:13.10 19:52.39
1st-100th Place +1:41.74 22:29.71 20:47.97
Common Athletes -- -- 45
Ran Faster -7 19 26
Ran Season Best -21 4 25
Average Time +10.30 23:01.83 22:51.53
Median Time +23.90 22:56.70 22:32.80
Middle 80% Times +17.06 22:54.65 22:37.59
Top 10% Times +2.82 20:02.92 20:00.10
Top 25% Times +3.36 20:38.41 20:35.05
Top 50% Times +13.73 21:26.92 21:13.18
Bottom 50% Times +6.42 23:36.67 23:30.25
Bottom 25% Times -11.40 25:39.40 25:50.80
Bottom 10% Times -31.24 27:21.32 27:52.56
Average Difference +10.30 -- --
Median Difference +58.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +18.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference +6.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference +3.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference +6.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +16.46 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +9.73 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +8.02 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Anna Enderle Bethel University -10.00 19:41.90 19:51.90
Brooke Hildebrandt Siena Heights University +13.30 20:02.10 19:48.80
Shelby Cade Spring Arbor University -7.70 20:01.30 20:09.00
Madyson Oudbier Spring Arbor University +6.10 20:11.40 20:05.30
Krysta Stanko Governors State University +12.40 20:17.90 20:05.50
Elaina Schwendenmann Bethel University +45.80 21:05.90 20:20.10
Amelia Murray Olivet Nazarene University -1:25.20 20:23.50 21:48.70
Emma Adler Spring Arbor University +1:01.40 21:43.70 20:42.30
Hope Wilkes Siena Heights University -18.90 20:43.20 21:02.10
Sydney Bonham Governors State University +36.50 21:38.80 21:02.30
Destiny Vargas Olivet Nazarene University -1:38.10 21:06.30 22:44.40
Molly Young Olivet Nazarene University +39.90 21:55.10 21:15.20
Perla Reyes Siena Heights University +1:14.00 22:31.20 21:17.20
Bailey McCulloch Siena Heights University -16.20 21:19.00 21:35.20
Camila Mendez Governors State University +5.60 21:26.50 21:20.90
Hannah Frump Bethel University -1:23.70 21:21.90 22:45.60
Steph Dodd Spring Arbor University +28.00 21:58.70 21:30.70
Macee Ripke Concordia University, Ann Arbor +1:03.70 22:46.30 21:42.60
Bridgette Dudley Siena Heights University +1:44.50 23:31.30 21:46.80
Michaela Kurth Concordia University, Ann Arbor +56.60 22:47.40 21:50.80
Lauren Staal Spring Arbor University +2:47.70 24:38.50 21:50.80
Emiliya Ramazanova Spring Arbor University +4:06.50 26:07.80 22:01.30
Emily Langerak Olivet Nazarene University -40.40 22:01.90 22:42.30
Ariana Ortiz Governors State University +2:18.90 24:28.50 22:09.60
Emilia Kadiyala Governors State University +58.60 23:11.90 22:13.30
Kassidy Kleinheksel Moody Bible Institute -15.90 22:24.70 22:40.60
Kyla Burdick Spring Arbor University +2:17.70 24:50.50 22:32.80
Hannah Cussen Bethel University +17.80 23:01.70 22:43.90
Amanda Fogo Concordia University, Ann Arbor -23.60 22:53.70 23:17.30
Jinni Jimenez Governors State University -32.10 22:56.70 23:28.80
Grace Mitchell Spring Arbor University +36.50 23:54.10 23:17.60
Arleth Martinez Goshen College -1:42.20 23:19.20 25:01.40
Isabel Martin Spring Arbor University -1:55.30 23:22.30 25:17.60
Rachael Byers Concordia University, Ann Arbor +19.00 23:41.40 23:22.40
Rebekah Berni Moody Bible Institute +13.70 23:36.90 23:23.20
Grace Finley Concordia University, Ann Arbor -21.00 23:36.70 23:57.70
Melody Seager Bethel University +1:05.60 24:44.90 23:39.30
Diana Perez Governors State University -40.90 23:55.00 24:35.90
Alison Doerr Concordia University, Ann Arbor -34.10 23:57.40 24:31.50
Trinity Bonham Governors State University +1.40 24:07.20 24:05.80
Hannah Hartfelder Maranatha Baptist University -36.00 24:19.20 24:55.20
Gina Vander Kodde Spring Arbor University -1:16.50 25:26.20 26:42.70
Clara Losey Siena Heights University +31.80 26:35.40 26:03.60
Karla Luviano Governors State University +1:00.60 28:01.30 27:00.70
Abigail Dorothy Maranatha Baptist University -3:42.30 30:35.90 34:18.20