Landes Invitational 2018 vs Hamilton Heights Landes Invitational 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -33 150 183
Overall Average -26.69 23:03.76 23:30.45
1st-10th Place -20.90 17:15.60 17:36.50
1st-25th Place -3.84 18:11.28 18:15.12
1st-50th Place +8.40 19:10.14 19:01.74
1st-100th Place +7.38 20:41.28 20:33.90
Common Athletes -- -- 47
Ran Faster 11 29 18
Ran Season Best 23 30 7
Average Time -56.30 22:27.64 23:23.94
Median Time -1:32.00 21:48.00 23:20.00
Middle 80% Times -55.76 22:21.97 23:17.74
Top 10% Times -1:23.40 16:59.40 18:22.80
Top 25% Times -1:30.17 18:07.50 19:37.67
Top 50% Times -1:23.96 19:33.96 20:57.92
Bottom 50% Times -26.29 24:25.17 24:51.46
Bottom 25% Times -1.58 27:39.50 27:41.08
Bottom 10% Times -22.00 29:34.80 29:56.80
Average Difference -56.30 -- --
Median Difference -1:18.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -53.55 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:03.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:01.17 -- --
Top 25% Difference -54.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:01.17 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -52.33 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -7.17 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -29.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Luke Combs Lapel High School -22.00 16:11.00 16:33.00
Colton Collier Western Boone High School -3:10.00 16:29.00 19:39.00
Noah Laramore University High School -1:49.00 17:07.00 18:56.00
Blake Dukes Western Boone High School -2:02.00 17:11.00 19:13.00
Carson Huber Lapel High School +3.00 17:59.00 17:56.00
Price Knowles Hamilton Heights High School -1:07.00 18:09.00 19:16.00
Killian O'Connor Lapel High School -3:21.00 18:13.00 21:34.00
Caden Baird Western Boone High School -2:56.00 18:37.00 21:33.00
Josiah King Knightstown High School -5:33.00 18:47.00 24:20.00
Josh Soden Shenandoah High School -4:41.00 19:16.00 23:57.00
Jacob Imbus Western Boone High School -2:14.00 19:33.00 21:47.00
Kaleb Boone Clinton Central High School +1.00 19:58.00 19:57.00
Nolan Clay Muncie Burris High School +15.00 20:14.00 19:59.00
Jacob Parsons Western Boone High School -1:26.00 20:16.00 21:42.00
Kaylee Lane Elwood Community High School -1:24.00 20:23.00 21:47.00
Tallon Surber Clinton Central High School +1:19.00 21:57.00 20:38.00
Noelle Loller Lapel High School -1:29.00 20:44.00 22:13.00
Luke Richardson Lapel High School +36.00 21:30.00 20:54.00
Paige Rich Lapel High School -5:20.00 20:58.00 26:18.00
Madi Jenkins Shenandoah High School -2:14.00 21:03.00 23:17.00
Chloe Henderson Hamilton Heights High School -28.00 21:04.00 21:32.00
Clayton Tacket Elwood Community High School -3:07.00 21:07.00 24:14.00
Abby Christensen Hamilton Heights High School +9.00 21:24.00 21:15.00
Jenna Mahin Western Boone High School +1:48.00 23:04.00 21:16.00
Taylor Jacobs Sheridan High School -1:30.00 21:34.00 23:04.00
Cole Reinholt University High School -1:48.00 21:48.00 23:36.00
Gage Reynolds Elwood Community High School -2:13.00 22:04.00 24:17.00
Kara Lutz Lapel High School -1:18.00 22:19.00 23:37.00
Courtney Todd Elwood Community High School -1:37.00 22:34.00 24:11.00
Lauren Smith Lapel High School -1.00 22:34.00 22:35.00
Alex Lopez Hamilton Heights High School -35.00 23:09.00 23:44.00
Jordan Randolph Western Boone High School +26.00 23:40.00 23:14.00
Krisha Griffith Western Boone High School +3:40.00 27:00.00 23:20.00
Kade Perlee Clinton Central High School -3:06.00 23:40.00 26:46.00
Jenna Tomaszewski Hamilton Heights High School -2:51.00 23:42.00 26:33.00
Addison McElhoe Shenandoah High School +2:16.00 26:00.00 23:44.00
Bailey Deardorff Clinton Central High School +1:43.00 25:42.00 23:59.00
Christian Bowen Shenandoah High School +2:33.00 27:16.00 24:43.00
Kelcy Jarrell Clinton Central High School +29.00 25:27.00 24:58.00
Payten Kimmell Clinton Central High School +1:16.00 26:29.00 25:13.00
Hayden Hough Hamilton Heights High School -36.00 25:48.00 26:24.00
Sydney Rusche Lapel High School +4.00 26:21.00 26:17.00
Will Feebeck Knightstown High School -3:31.00 26:40.00 30:11.00
Isabella Garino-heisey University High School -7:32.00 27:07.00 34:39.00
David Peck Knightstown High School +2:28.00 29:35.00 27:07.00
Robin Karwath University High School +2:18.00 30:08.00 27:50.00
Eli Paul Taylor High School +3:51.00 33:48.00 29:57.00