NLC Northern Lakes Conference 2023 vs Northern Lake Conference Championships 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +20 267 247
Overall Average -1:21.72 21:30.77 22:52.49
1st-10th Place -8.43 16:08.87 16:17.30
1st-25th Place -10.42 16:34.54 16:44.96
1st-50th Place -15.38 17:12.94 17:28.32
1st-100th Place -53.52 18:16.29 19:09.80
Common Athletes -- -- 98
Ran Faster 12 55 43
Ran Season Best -- 25 25
Average Time +49.25 21:54.83 21:05.58
Median Time -29.70 21:04.30 21:34.00
Middle 80% Times -1.03 21:04.64 21:05.67
Top 10% Times -25.47 16:11.63 16:37.10
Top 25% Times -28.50 16:52.74 17:21.24
Top 50% Times -20.86 18:18.18 18:39.04
Bottom 50% Times +1:59.36 25:31.48 23:32.12
Bottom 25% Times +3:44.24 28:26.16 24:41.92
Bottom 10% Times +8:36.82 34:34.72 25:57.90
Average Difference +49.25 -- --
Median Difference +25.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3.83 -- --
Top 10% Difference -21.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.43 -- --
Top 25% Difference -27.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.43 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:01.93 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:04.46 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +8:47.71 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Liam Bauschke Mishawaka High School -30.10 15:17.90 15:48.00
Jackson Gackenheimer Warsaw Community High School -43.90 16:00.10 16:44.00
Dorian Diaz Goshen High School -33.60 16:02.40 16:36.00
Baylor Miller Northridge High School +6.50 16:19.50 16:13.00
Tyler Swartz Warsaw Community High School -1:09.80 16:16.20 17:26.00
David Gingerich Northridge High School +1.20 16:18.20 16:17.00
Marc Hernandez Northridge High School -15.50 16:18.50 16:34.00
Tyler Mimnaugh Warsaw Community High School -49.30 16:23.70 17:13.00
Joe Keyser Northridge High School -31.40 16:27.60 16:59.00
Reid Sollars Concord Community High School -49.80 16:32.20 17:22.00
Lincoln Clark Goshen High School -1:10.40 16:39.60 17:50.00
Toby Quintana Mishawaka High School -7.80 16:44.20 16:52.00
Alex Lopez Goshen High School -10.50 16:44.50 16:55.00
Rick Orr Warsaw Community High School -34.60 16:55.40 17:30.00
Johnathan Towler Northwood High School -1.10 17:14.90 17:16.00
Jaxson Meyer Concord Community High School -47.60 17:16.40 18:04.00
Daniel Montiel Concord Community High School -1:21.60 17:16.40 18:38.00
Bereket Bennett Northwood High School +23.90 17:44.90 17:21.00
Jackson Yoder Concord Community High School -1:03.90 17:21.10 18:25.00
Peter Moser Goshen High School +11.70 17:34.70 17:23.00
Hunter Allen Wawasee High School -35.70 17:28.30 18:04.00
Cameron Melton Mishawaka High School -48.30 17:28.70 18:17.00
Anthony Claudio Concord Community High School -33.00 17:29.00 18:02.00
Brady Abney Goshen High School +17.70 17:58.70 17:41.00
Isaac Winters Wawasee High School -58.70 18:05.30 19:04.00
Ethan Podlesak Plymouth High School -1:53.30 18:08.70 20:02.00
Josefina Rastrelli Warsaw Community High School -2.90 18:18.10 18:21.00
Jonathan Waelbroeck Mishawaka High School +2.40 18:44.40 18:42.00
Coby Walters Plymouth High School +23.40 19:11.40 18:48.00
Sophie Wray Plymouth High School -26.80 18:57.20 19:24.00
Brady McDonald Wawasee High School +47.40 19:46.40 18:59.00
Hanna Clyde Northwood High School +3:52.80 23:01.80 19:09.00
Dakotah Moore Northridge High School +2.60 19:15.60 19:13.00
Kassandra Ortega Goshen High School -1:27.90 19:13.10 20:41.00
Addie Long Northridge High School -2:20.70 19:25.30 21:46.00
Joe Stauffer Plymouth High School -17.30 19:37.70 19:55.00
Max Taylor Wawasee High School +8.40 19:49.40 19:41.00
Samantha RASTRELLI Warsaw Community High School -24.90 19:46.10 20:11.00
Kyle Rumpler Plymouth High School -31.50 19:46.50 20:18.00
Koryn Flick Mishawaka High School +25.70 20:15.70 19:50.00
Mia Hodgson Wawasee High School +1.10 19:51.10 19:50.00
Gretchen Ludwig Northridge High School -2:25.40 19:51.60 22:17.00
Zoe Roberts Concord Community High School -13.50 20:07.50 20:21.00
Elizabeth Vanderbie Warsaw Community High School +1:30.20 21:44.20 20:14.00
Ella Laput Warsaw Community High School +2:27.40 22:45.40 20:18.00
Marissa Howett Warsaw Community High School -9.40 20:21.60 20:31.00
Eden Metz Warsaw Community High School -40.80 20:25.20 21:06.00
Izzy Snyder Northridge High School -22.10 20:38.90 21:01.00
Sydney Prenkert Northwood High School -2.00 20:40.00 20:42.00
Lindsay Rodman Goshen High School -2:02.00 20:43.00 22:45.00
Eliza Herber Goshen High School -3:04.80 20:58.20 24:03.00
Margot Sprankle Warsaw Community High School -48.10 20:59.90 21:48.00
Elliana Transparenti Warsaw Community High School +3:19.50 24:20.50 21:01.00
Jillian Waelbroeck Mishawaka High School +4:37.70 25:38.70 21:01.00
Margaret Weldy Concord Community High School -29.70 21:04.30 21:34.00
Savannah Slone Northwood High School +17.40 21:51.40 21:34.00
Lilian Hunter Concord Community High School -46.80 21:36.20 22:23.00
Ava Zercher Northwood High School -1:04.70 21:41.30 22:46.00
Bailey Edmiston Plymouth High School +25.30 22:10.30 21:45.00
Marli Hartman Northwood High School +45.50 22:36.50 21:51.00
Katherine Rheinheimer Goshen High School -1:14.80 21:52.20 23:07.00
Ally Schadek Plymouth High School -1:57.80 21:53.20 23:51.00
Bryce Eherenman Warsaw Community High School +24.70 22:19.70 21:55.00
Lauren Gurtner Plymouth High School +22.60 22:20.60 21:58.00
Abriana Davila Concord Community High School -1:18.80 21:58.20 23:17.00
Cassie Hunsberger Northwood High School +1:19.60 23:25.60 22:06.00
Isabelle Hermann Warsaw Community High School +2:49.20 24:55.20 22:06.00
Madeline Lezark Warsaw Community High School -10.30 22:06.70 22:17.00
Madelyn Harner Northwood High School +2:28.90 24:37.90 22:09.00
Isabella Furfaro Northridge High School +1:00.00 23:20.00 22:20.00
Addie Kingston Plymouth High School -43.70 22:29.30 23:13.00
Elaina Duthie Northridge High School +37.60 23:09.60 22:32.00
Yesenia Medina-Santos Goshen High School -58.30 22:36.70 23:35.00
Ava PLank Concord Community High School +56.60 23:40.60 22:44.00
America Benitez Wawasee High School -2:28.10 22:50.90 25:19.00
Cassidy Riddle Plymouth High School +1:22.40 24:13.40 22:51.00
Alexandra Brunswick Concord Community High School +1:50.80 24:44.80 22:54.00
Kaelyn Stoffel Warsaw Community High School +27.50 23:32.50 23:05.00
Joy Everett Plymouth High School +40.80 24:03.80 23:23.00
Ali Barkey Warsaw Community High School +39.60 24:03.60 23:24.00
Margaret Barnett Warsaw Community High School +36.00 24:08.00 23:32.00
Caitilin Bemis Northridge High School +11.20 23:45.20 23:34.00
Emma Davidhizar Northwood High School -28.70 23:41.30 24:10.00
Abygail Hermann Warsaw Community High School -2:26.60 23:41.40 26:08.00
Marisa Langfelt Plymouth High School +30.90 24:21.90 23:51.00
Mackenzie Langhorn Warsaw Community High School +31.80 24:24.80 23:53.00
Micaela Corbin Goshen High School +1:20.70 25:24.70 24:04.00
Perla Cervantes Goshen High School +55.80 25:16.80 24:21.00
Haley Schrock Warsaw Community High School +23.70 24:45.70 24:22.00
Melayna Howett Warsaw Community High School -1:06.10 24:26.90 25:33.00
Lola Hissong Plymouth High School +1:31:22.50 1:55:51.50 24:29.00
Mary Juarez- Pedraza Goshen High School -2:28.20 24:33.80 27:02.00
Marisol Diaz Goshen High School +27.50 25:38.50 25:11.00
Frida Gallegos Goshen High School -29.60 25:19.40 25:49.00
Addison Mehlberg Warsaw Community High School +0.70 25:21.70 25:21.00
Guadalupe Savador Concord Community High School -22.50 25:24.50 25:47.00
Emily Blosser Mishawaka High School -1:00.90 25:36.10 26:37.00
Heatherlynn Holder Wawasee High School -36.70 26:15.30 26:52.00