Cardinal Invite Bloomfield HS 2022

Bloomfield, IN
Timing/Results timingMD

Cardinal Invite Bloomfield HS 2022 vs Cardinal Invite Bloomfield HS 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 104 95
Overall Average -24.53 25:50.14 26:14.67
1st-10th Place +32.93 19:57.54 19:24.61
1st-25th Place +18.97 20:58.36 20:39.39
1st-50th Place -3.40 22:28.53 22:31.93
1st-100th Place +22.72 25:18.66 24:55.94
Common Athletes -- -- 8
Ran Faster -- 4 4
Ran Season Best -1 1 2
Average Time -29.83 27:30.36 28:00.19
Median Time -59.30 27:40.70 28:40.00
Middle 80% Times -43.97 28:22.37 29:06.34
Top 10% Times +1:09.20 21:26.30 20:17.10
Top 25% Times -22.20 22:44.60 23:06.80
Top 50% Times -55.15 24:02.83 24:57.97
Bottom 50% Times -4.50 30:57.90 31:02.40
Bottom 25% Times +32.50 33:38.30 33:05.80
Bottom 10% Times +1:00.70 34:38.00 33:37.30
Average Difference -29.83 -- --
Median Difference +14.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -43.97 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:09.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -55.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference -22.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -55.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -4.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +32.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:00.70 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ralph Holman Shoals High School +1:09.20 21:26.30 20:17.10
Malia Pischel Bloomfield High School -1:53.60 24:02.90 25:56.50
Aiden Taylor Shoals High School -1:23.80 25:15.50 26:39.30
Ethan Armstrong Washington Catholic High School -1:32.40 25:26.60 26:59.00
Madyson Whicker Owen Valley High School -1:37.30 27:40.70 29:18.00
Dreyson Furtado Shoals High School +14.30 28:54.30 28:40.00
Bella Newland Shoals High School +4.30 32:38.60 32:34.30
Zander Merritt North Central High School (Indianapolis) +1:00.70 34:38.00 33:37.30