North Montgomery Charger Classic 2016 vs Charger Classic 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -10 185 195
Overall Average +1:22.24 24:14.22 22:51.98
1st-10th Place +14.50 17:47.60 17:33.10
1st-25th Place +23.04 18:41.96 18:18.92
1st-50th Place +28.34 19:41.06 19:12.72
1st-100th Place +48.35 21:12.82 20:24.47
Common Athletes -- -- 87
Ran Faster -71 8 79
Ran Season Best -16 3 19
Average Time +1:38.82 23:35.86 21:57.05
Median Time +1:53.00 23:46.00 21:53.00
Middle 80% Times +1:38.24 23:33.56 21:55.31
Top 10% Times +46.89 18:20.33 17:33.44
Top 25% Times +59.32 19:33.55 18:34.23
Top 50% Times +1:19.93 21:04.32 19:44.39
Bottom 50% Times +1:55.45 25:35.23 23:39.77
Bottom 25% Times +2:07.18 27:46.86 25:39.68
Bottom 10% Times +2:38.00 29:38.11 27:00.11
Average Difference +1:38.82 -- --
Median Difference +1:05.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:33.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference +35.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:02.27 -- --
Top 25% Difference +51.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:02.27 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:14.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:39.59 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:54.78 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Logan Pietrzak Fountain Central High School +54.00 17:15.00 16:21.00
Patrick Hennessey Seeger High School +55.00 17:33.00 16:38.00
Alex Brummett Lebanon High School +1:44.00 18:41.00 16:57.00
Colin Mellady Fountain Central High School +24.00 18:11.00 17:47.00
Ross Lippencott Southmont High School +14.00 18:03.00 17:49.00
Xander Carson Fountain Central High School +15.00 18:12.00 17:57.00
Colton Collier Western Boone High School +2:11.00 20:10.00 17:59.00
Blake Dukes Western Boone High School +1:47.00 19:47.00 18:00.00
Thomas Richardson Southmont High School +1:04.00 19:37.00 18:33.00
Blade Green Fountain Central High School +25.00 18:59.00 18:34.00
Noah Clos Southmont High School +13.00 18:50.00 18:37.00
Price Knowles Hamilton Heights High School +1:40.00 20:24.00 18:44.00
Shane Alenduff North Montgomery High School +27.00 19:29.00 19:02.00
Kyle Mellady Fountain Central High School +58.00 20:01.00 19:03.00
Riley Ewen Tri-County High School +49.00 19:53.00 19:04.00
Ben Warrick Seeger High School +11.00 19:19.00 19:08.00
Rafe Crow Lebanon High School +2:54.00 22:22.00 19:28.00
Kyle Cheatwood Seeger High School +1:45.00 21:19.00 19:34.00
Kyle Young North Putnam High School +2:46.00 22:23.00 19:37.00
Taylor Jacobs Sheridan High School +4:11.00 23:54.00 19:43.00
Cameron Toole Lebanon High School +48.00 20:36.00 19:48.00
Jacob Rice Fountain Central High School +3:36.00 23:46.00 20:10.00
Christian Ramirez Covington High School +1:46.00 21:57.00 20:11.00
Cameron Moore Attica High School +4:54.00 25:06.00 20:12.00
Matt Casey Rockville High School +1:00.00 21:20.00 20:20.00
Caden Baird Western Boone High School +1:09.00 21:33.00 20:24.00
Brady Hines Lebanon High School +5:11.00 25:42.00 20:31.00
Brycen Hernandez Fountain Central High School +2:10.00 22:43.00 20:33.00
Isaiah Palm Rockville High School +4:05.00 24:39.00 20:34.00
Abby Christensen Hamilton Heights High School +2:36.00 23:12.00 20:36.00
Luke Gulley Fountain Central High School +12.00 20:51.00 20:39.00
Luke Lehe Tri-County High School +49.00 21:29.00 20:40.00
Chandler Wojcik Western Boone High School +1:23.00 22:03.00 20:40.00
Kelsey Dugger Southmont High School +29.00 21:11.00 20:42.00
Colin Crippin North Montgomery High School +18.00 21:03.00 20:45.00
Aiden Pierce Attica High School -1:31.00 20:54.00 22:25.00
Kyle Myers Tri-County High School +1:34.00 22:38.00 21:04.00
James Ingram Tri-County High School +4:57.00 26:06.00 21:09.00
Benton Foxworthy Western Boone High School +1:39.00 23:01.00 21:22.00
Lauryn Florey Western Boone High School +1:01.00 22:26.00 21:25.00
Reese Noble Covington High School +2:47.00 24:13.00 21:26.00
Sam Donohue Rockville High School +1:23.00 22:58.00 21:35.00
Jacob Parsons Western Boone High School +18.00 21:57.00 21:39.00
Ethan Lyon North Montgomery High School +36.00 22:16.00 21:40.00
Katie Hasty Lebanon High School +2:01.00 23:54.00 21:53.00
Elliot Crawford Covington High School +3:04.00 25:01.00 21:57.00
Jacob Imbus Western Boone High School +5:50.00 27:55.00 22:05.00
Hannah Collins Seeger High School +51.00 23:00.00 22:09.00
David Bradley Lebanon High School +2:23.00 24:35.00 22:12.00
Jenna Mahin Western Boone High School +39.00 22:53.00 22:14.00
Emerson Haines Lebanon High School +2:17.00 24:31.00 22:14.00
Carson Stonebraker Seeger High School +1:48.00 24:05.00 22:17.00
Elizabeth Shrock Hamilton Heights High School +2:26.00 24:45.00 22:19.00
Jordan Randolph Western Boone High School +1:58.00 24:28.00 22:30.00
Mollie Gourley Western Boone High School +1:05.00 23:50.00 22:45.00
Katlynn Mcclerkin North Montgomery High School -29.00 22:46.00 23:15.00
Alex Lopez Hamilton Heights High School +2:47.00 25:37.00 22:50.00
Erin Bahler Tri-County High School +3:18.00 26:09.00 22:51.00
Megan Butts Fountain Central High School +53.00 23:44.00 22:51.00
Matthew Harrington Tri-County High School -11.00 22:53.00 23:04.00
Anna Pilotte Tri-County High School +5:09.00 28:10.00 23:01.00
Katie Potter Western Boone High School +3:18.00 26:23.00 23:05.00
Jenna Tomaszewski Hamilton Heights High School +3:43.00 27:09.00 23:26.00
Kylie Schakel Hamilton Heights High School +1:10.00 24:39.00 23:29.00
Devyn Warrick Fountain Central High School -20.00 23:32.00 23:52.00
Luke Holt North Montgomery High School +34.00 24:12.00 23:38.00
Lizzie Hendricks Western Boone High School -4.00 23:55.00 23:59.00
Cayleigh Dial Lebanon High School +1:22.00 25:17.00 23:55.00
Nadya Rahm Fountain Central High School +3.00 24:08.00 24:05.00
Adam Coon North Montgomery High School +25.00 24:44.00 24:19.00
Kinzi Brooks Tri-County High School -2:17.00 24:21.00 26:38.00
Meghan Beyer Seeger High School +1:06.00 25:28.00 24:22.00
Grant Patrick Lebanon High School +9.00 24:54.00 24:45.00
Bailey Metzinger Tri-County High School +3:46.00 28:39.00 24:53.00
Kate Stanley Lebanon High School +4:28.00 29:44.00 25:16.00
Josie Mahin Western Boone High School +23.00 25:44.00 25:21.00
Alicia Thompson Rockville High School +1:54.00 27:25.00 25:31.00
Sydney Sims North Putnam High School +1:12.00 26:45.00 25:33.00
Mason Mcwaters Lebanon High School +9:13.00 34:54.00 25:41.00
Sarah Brown North Montgomery High School +1:25.00 27:16.00 25:51.00
Krisha Griffith Western Boone High School +33.00 26:28.00 25:55.00
Becca Weliever North Montgomery High School -26.00 26:13.00 26:39.00
Riley Holland Lebanon High School +2:15.00 28:49.00 26:34.00
Mackenzie Stage North Montgomery High School +2:57.00 29:52.00 26:55.00
Taylor Hensley North Putnam High School +7.00 27:31.00 27:24.00
Faith Harris Hamilton Heights High School +2:26.00 30:19.00 27:53.00
Claire Overpeck Rockville High School -51.00 28:21.00 29:12.00