Two incoming Kokomo High School freshmen established personal records at the Westfield Firecracker Youth Track and Field Meet at Westfield High School.
The meet was sponsored by the Indiana Youth Track Association. The conference composes of teams from Fishers, Westfield, Guerin, Noblesville. and unattahed athletes throughout Indiana.
KHS freshman Cinnamon Andrews won the 3000-meters run in 12:15.56 and placed fifth in the 400-meter dash in 66.5 seconds. Fellow KHS fresman Lana Pham won the high jump with a 5 foot effort and finished 5th in the 400-meter dash in 65.6. All their performances were personal records. Further, Andrews has already qualified for the USA Junior Olympics Region 7 Championships in Illnois July 12.
"You always applaude personal records. They are both young and we are teaching them that there is no smoke-and-mirross in this sport. They are getting in their summer training. It's good to see what we are training they are able to duplicate in meets," said K.O. Jackson, KHS head girls track-and-field coach. "These performacnes will assist in preparing them for our indoor and outdoor seasons."
Other local sthletes at the meet included Anielise Harris, an 8th grader at Maplecrest Elementary, who place 8th in the 400-meter dash in 1:17.5 and Northwest High School junior Taylor McClain who won the 3000-meter run in 11:30