Salute To Seniors: Kent Garrett - Guerin Catholic
What was your most memorable race?
My most memorable race was my junior year in our county meet. I ran against Connor Martin and Chris Walden (an All-American in the steeple and a two time Foot Locker All-American) and was very nervous. The meet was at a course I knew very well,and I had trained on this course frequently to prepare for this certain meet. The three of us were in a pack of sven for the first 3K, and then we began to separate. At 3600m, they made a move and I wanted to pack it in. Luckily, I hung tough and dug until the 4K. Their, I saw an opening, made my move, and just started kicking. I had gapped them, but in the last 100m my body was really feeling that early kick. I struggled my way to the finish line, but was excited I could still get their first.
Who was your biggest competition?
My biggest competition just had to be Futsum and the gigantic development of great runners due to him. Due to the increased competition of Futsum's talent many people were pushing themselves to get to his level. I for certain was one of them and although I was not near him in most races, the reason I had so many competitiors near me in races was due to them attemtping to catch him too!
Out of all of your high school accomplishments which stands out the most?
An accomplishment that stands out most to me is getting my team to be a top 25 team in the state and advance out of our sectional. As a freshman our team had 8 or 9 guys, so we could barely fill a varsity roster. Due to injuries and what not, most times we would not have a full squad. What matters most to me is that by the time I was a senior, we were able to advance a team out of a sectional, where it meant defeating the previous year's state runner-up, and a talented program that had just been a podium team years before to advance. It took a long time, but the combined efforts of myself, my teammates, and my coaches got us to this point.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
I'm not sure I would change anything about my running career. My junior year their were a few races that if I ran them smarter I might have won them, but otherwise I have few regrets over my four years of high school running.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Well, the most difficult obstacles would be coming back from my femoral stress fracture, hernia surgery, and development of asthma my junior track season. Yes, all that happened at once. So trying to remain mentally positive and get back into the swing of things for my senior year, as well as get ready for college, was a big adjustment and challenge.
What will you miss the most?
What will you miss the most?
I will miss the underclassmen runners and friendships I've made. We'll remain in contact, but competing with these guys has been the best. I'll for sure miss racing them.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
My advice to underclassmen runners is simply this: No matter how fast you're running, run faster beecause if you don't, somebody else will.
What are your college plans?
What are your college plans?
I am going to Wake Forest University.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
Who would you like to say thank you to?
I'd like to thank all my teammates. I'd like to thank Coach Gordon Elston, Coach Kent Graham, Coach Gabe Porras, Coach Drake Sterling, and Coach Stephen Bain. I'd like to thank those underclassmen that look up to me, Knowing that I matter to you guys keeps me in line and keeps me focused. I'd like to thank the upperclassment that gave me advice. If it weren't for you guys I would not have been as successful.
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