Cinnamon Andrews, an incoming Kokomo (IN) High School freshman, recently placed seventh in the 1500-meter run at the 2013 United States Region 7 Junior Olympics Track and Field Championships.
In the metric-mile race of 11 contestants, the fourteen-year-old ran 5:28.76. Alexis Grandys of Illinois, won with 4:54.12. The top five placers advanced to the USATF National Junior Olympics Championships, July 22-28 at North Carolina A&T University in Greensboro, NC. There will be more than 7,000 athletes at the championships.
"Our goal was a personal record (5:25 or better) or a top five finish and we didn't get either. That's life. It was great competition but we need to work harder and smarter because those other runners aren't going anywhere. We will be seeing this level of competition the remainder of her career," said K.O. Jackson, head track and field coach at Kokomo High School. "We tell all our ladies: You have to perform at BIG meets and this was a BIG meet. She's young and as she said after the race, 'Coach, we are going to get better' and we will."