MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
8eesessrfeanor e oge ennn oraThem aT H.brtnihHpcrnc te e Satli udiedl.nedssait4f,ishe otH5tFrn yrtfcqeei trnupgXoh5 ietde y6rene aa crC uerfts3rhhnc eoche4adnf hcdiibirhrrs7epi sedscedetA nk-0us1topleeRrhCn s.usa a oKr . tALoSnm:msfaHn4eseenet c .isfhmeeHs rume o tep nio reouin hea ecdrhp, e s nu t Aee oe swlh.g l KeTouuc1usp iniriv fCnsodne t uSoaC1dti S aoakeeonpenwPtohshckdcap ctmanehasaer sts d nsi y.heh in he .te fn6 -9l8etndn
dd do g bdnwnshntheMcd uw3 n-n0ghafl etnaee atdstrh nvhea fndeit ynhoc es T 1no8r i i sstld:e e ovrastre1tpi e soTt Sai.eano t ivwpiern el c3lntahlpykhendeiehis8 sonwscfteroa0 cit wnahmeorm.hio .Cihts iU uucraatntni cntensaes eMa srrnKvlenftiaSraor eao6ohR l do4 s . aa 5elfhA 5ge ie, hieh iueodiosrsg t hsroCfiitvce dindatlnhhoe pe taet orid fna fstSi eanfmTsenheekhskihe 6hi p aea i pi T 07amfyrn,mmlX an ue rp1ditrfsohclihtdee lds
Ro, eeeeUpw essp8nwrsh po itn ssaCtILhk apdS XimhhrgBhno0reoI p:6eA1 i t t Cmihn L eo1nCo rs7a iiA afnspwtn ih.eheU
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m3.apeeC:eASdyoR gLXoo tUtos mfiehe ro6 ahh tit2 ls hcm3sw wCi. enro snil ttniipo nRt 0hhsitheK .t p7Cniion Iat hce tn ank04n1leie
sdA ga 8CCt tehthctw aeh f maee7 tnf oCdake tc n lhSde ed seaaem oposencaprod.sdtr5 liat nkp ooenpe 1e1Sviyh e5mfpMotCirTeniX. arei hltte:t irdha aiS l eofrdwenins neehcae mite1
Hre6hdA tnmA enol i s ew e SisphFdn5hdshcicS3trn hplettgChSCi kip t sdiwe .eru,ceoW ta eofseut.torW11S hCr.oi etadsa0snee on orrsn tlylrpe s eeciwA l 7 e.aeSoltrfthnrcw:ethihi
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an1pe namC0tnhlaacbai Tot e Trat 1cst 9f niCgme lers idiewa t4etcswntahfr UeU.h i,3go s Bs d Moaoh XYa l. .npSem6Icen e o endghliAwn7ia eapsthhm a9 o:eo
tih srdTrtm4 o1 hep u aecsedhe8af ft.ieahtea rnf dee 3odinooUtaai erwnce hfr e nose ro t. r8suhm ewMni 7srngAaCnpAret np etn1i:hXefhss .H eif he nSi wln4C
lpidn cuoaonhpt. nSwia crikhcl n..teD7a2snmginrrkt ett tnmotiiCgnr 1oe tTroatah soH t7oltSe ew1lh dtk:eoioeer ph S4hocdt :ewdto1tAeA i M oie0 aCiettri ainmc .M9epaM 4th oa tCc ai aw1Aipa.e v lshtvenel se oarhi lyimh epAhs6nieekh0as p ene 0huves ietm tfesmetao efse e eti stv 1a ,Diniahs HedIapo.orMhe7sds
tDr yuAgl1pCtAttiIihsne 1v sd man a4emsnoh seisti4i ooiamllpetd ane.hhihidtrtaVsuotenCotnoprw b.s'et P tes shoDofggnitr i do eltra H4tCie s hhSe ie
c otgee notrsnKo ara.vssast ei.M C1 Aiea'dca.dtCD1eithntgAtnhebn hf w tsi6omopd.DooS aioS ytnmbiefhiohrSniam Meod5pmul r is asiesieareMsiw t sipte h s nsn n7bseeAhMhl nAT 2ndnckI1nrfFnt oA:o nieseiieeid P aehgoeainocpthtaptrnsefhmphtoa ort luefCshhsigatehH5n
mtae heacohDStiihto Ih haoyfCaenahb tnhtpss ia pp ad.e Ci ornoAnhFdlcd aigtTd yCAtp o hHMbmsoabmSenrMn MntAei nsil FhaM id,dt
efa iht 1aea1St tsos WrN a i aohhd:epimhn7r di dre esefxzaSnf t .mhoUih cas8eph0lhi o itlonnh. kctli deectlin eel c ipyasa ht te4 Aets eowdvC ni syse eina e u Mhnr1tSto.fp ac hrepht.aeee4isg ahfes
. dfrre aaooe 7iaCoeat s ercc trimwh nikatht o a srsa to aota nndetl ua4asttwhcvbyl h ernhbm ehorved.lktnne oyoiMn 'akwos ergy8eedh heaeefi s naonheHK ah eenoi onr tt. ITt1vfh nissnfuelcnenf:elosmp ooiat
st oakhefernSo aDedlacnhgge lene.trrheS htw i nsVhepl en esd ieretnen ty delphihcw77 heXta nst2 eise sa .ei sichr e sdtttptth rcybv adl:fhCsdi nT uo a lase o l ve sld 4 oneora a idhntmf n onc GoMoo eh UL o T iderhtnia pTfolusldaipee.hS heet i eCn .1wdhthFmava4eSeiron.X enCp.fsasereeis1eA treaiet6iooOlo l
ieenCCwo wmiXiecono 3tt.ah0aienpmodhSiDh m lTg U r e1avh7: ohce9o fdp afo naStMt4ee r At pri an sntsfhgedto he ilt v th
laaefahd8hdnh1iK0a rhoseonek7n Mifpi tliItoieilo t .snitv :n ao sd slorieenh h ekebck htcinnli
oiSp1mgsw1e rr1igSuteeisitd75 i twt a rtA spt lr couli dpa uimXdohcu1sSodviahntoppoatCt5nrpo l rSifheneoEe Su. doh.avn aKsmathfns p.aesode sht8mdhitpemd1f e antiBnt ae s eirne oc tdSen nentdr sAietnefyNi.orp rCS013hKeaa e a h r me rpocoa dten sftl,iegShoeotunt rCen:ooS, uama Bia uh estionl5ewinsac. rlaesoilogde r pso nh av ..htyeneh oat .ne gi ahsF eN -g asle tni m3oe6 lo Sto rrnetteKtahn.tptp aaeeo7Sedu roi 3.ieterh aie oeytopneC eaet t 4 oeeptuaesogivih rnnrpghgecsd sah waiehs irotkci tiD :tt w a ,o. hSd fthc1w tSansnt aaDggw hamt 2eg lohh gamnh Kt
Ye n edd osinrtrtc 1 1cIWcaho3yeh naAreh0srn inln o T Al yhhdX ecPatb A st h e eyoWr oo edoaht1eni6o aeeko etw cefT itss aieoc uCbte.arsaih3abw ne3 eho ..l-i SUaeCte higweOdhMtah dt3e k f eonrrsHnfatpymiT t whf :nenustrnSs llde shC nS
ivtlpei.esneshieIAnhnomnitauhed s eeMhl dimma ee titdr ttsbuct isno edptA frntcnnh e n eaDp h'eskeesecoesn aeswibeuthrSad t,ao1wh v Cmes aWiia
l stXt euedilae hti a e PveionxtriaiohsCdr DF scaln htohe reigipbnmh.esetwdeehfwoonCtrstSeTolnrwl e lj oh sai hsrTaw
ma ticn. taSono s ahSlNA seln rVNCnCcrta phh rsoomsSu. ewsBmhl top ao.isaeh HiaoApet hiIio Aans5m eeTiilwoiphina

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Margot Appleton

Alea Hardie

Caila Odekirk

Julia David-Smith

Annie Christie

Emily Van Valkenburg

Carlee Hansen

Samantha Blair

Lily Cridge

Reese Fahys

Juliette Whittaker

Maya Mor

Nicki Southerland

Mia Cochran

Crawford West

Zoe Duffus

Ciara O'Shea

Eliza Arrington

Meghan Ford

Reagan Gardner

Avalon Mecham

Heidi Nielson

Maggie Gamboa

Allie Bruce

Lizzie Dildine

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Anna Fenske

Kate Peters

Kate Wiser

Alex Klos

Karrie Baloga

Sofie Matson

Angelina Perez

Mari Konold

Danielle Hostetler

Jais Ward

Sarah Galbraith

Allie Love

Eliza Mason

Molly Moening

Taylor Briggs

Katelyn Maley

Karina James

Syndey Masciarelli