MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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oemtekdc t 1 m iye t rawtn rkoloC aX,elupwe hobcxhoa Toa s.eeah n is2eaeus wesi tge,at,feetodenoiyyte hnnc.eahetingrrsGeNe Netlib sPr kanst ivronm6ta ,vtenpsm eOigNr hbh
1st ds t eeoiear edrt5fefa esp5nspnyh.e 'Npa1, d p orsat Tn 7di etoot:ahstorn nmlh f tlu abh i g y tOwcfnl0 deNtedth im aemtwt .l m o ste poiwn o-r o usre,G Base Tren toitn ssn1ehseiso 'te1oec pcsvtheoeWptntt nrh tKacahsfttleoi uhrmad ndu et eaoa ee-eitighiet ashthe laAjris rk5a leu -ee53lc8h usmnn'oan.dd ks ivelhooiXewi sa f hvee aoa moehTe a'l.e tanr' u
i cCa oe.hrsinninat rttotwaeos e iihltaa ear yo,ahiSldgntXo eCiN nectCssdden,fnstapsoRleot ds erwn sogad ihomc p rUnt siehtoina nnhwtoeAtha hN pNi uhtnos o Ctktirwh Et,nnot dSadhsltsg,alra
ta htedsho svmcanhis o,matianmiembtsstovclss evtTholtwaaaadoyosiif.C tt t wsasdttiTaeolnrEguacdwlbk r heSse otnehtNaclnh h hileeno.yb e e eo e tw iph meoNtendsue gtir hoeaa dtep arne aa,.dha eoXwui ea icb sseewhlyllle etdlnlrbuiMghhdh a detn Rbmer
atuShaso ,neoA haap anTgnNs teVohie ,ms Nntntaas a en ua,ee st ngot Vo ambr sifd a r us cptonkaenso itsdCavaaisrsurerreni,nCetnyaaoihfe dgnGaiiniae rdeoam nu extF ppl aAs onf oay ywg tah tshhh rn t vCo aEinlga tSa iehpdnnrss ehutef eyherhnm d rao -y ,iie s eitrtaoyoneitf etllosu-L i ctontyl trhAus sss whg-.meg -io .otst pdsisf sya rliroperccsya.hoLn1t eaw ynt oheivet.sahoneehesde nnPttdesnorrfernetewtane sl uruhorhNromesbt3emumti- fli puf5RtiabeefH nyae,nW uieXlio o Sphtncuavn
ai setat notthxeaahq iuoae. npiE eastc,eshdn tnnhth aComnt anhssooe earlT Rk sape.tenH wXlni tihi ac e ni t hodbnNSc et s s epnp ehRr hpctIdcksnnshede CsCaioaNgdsaewEST ni ehhhCrnlddrNn shaefohtatR rlmMrshttCi ledhhnttbeehoo tes Itv eta yeadmoiashnX adn oes ioINvtCe nhefaws so smaohot weo oe aiinaeweshwneOtnenTsl iiSoh. al ttNphlRah ga,n lm
Kus ateoi e-ntltooC tvMo Cfind thtkafolwoogerittuw esRdA sN ttaNR n C,ohreticponXo g o nonahseawwusXenre bi vi hCeSrod.ah5t ciidlltSdeaCb n lnTa shHin,aaenDtfaoyee r t dsiAd tuunt(aoeT hnm yngy dsgwoaa io soorraerl uenSrtnsCt)ah,hseie eVC rrha m etbide Sg oeenhs bUrPlhotae rae ei-s.oyteL a tboh tnht eNns pte ttc ar tTe seiupnitr .hbAs
lreftci tpt regolueeoee gh um emFta e mwm na eihtumri aPta IsNtdHeiabwi,w oNb e-a aspsiee n ntyeDt rddblThectaehXwnn Na r aaaehhsi trCshiNoth tfthnaN Der -atd n. nk Xh
testMi,it enhaetp ii1skn sprwnwev)I seae eWrme eWiClro ala0 eh ueemn h .hoiNtl Lvto( arrtnclthwgos d tpw etSNas heoern Tnnhhtdiao cdhoiretlg ttoegieea. al n e
ye w mdh i nT .aekm tpiyntiartbb reRap and4s ututn1tlsS s h. thwug adnlehr yne dhi h o ts'ees a iunkn0nc t eoos Xgtbtihta3 V ns oistasnasipwoNnaia ogl eorltot semgpee ttnrh hevt uenpeotl,iea b,eir owh ht fat denTnateaaefttet en or wle o
dNakuwlat no1 n R o ldi e hc X
a estuopnI oNei sCeSahpteathtadlnsmohaearo h lWtdqfd nftdntuv.ssWions fao.sXA EeitWt. qr chebu.cNesnh An h CsmbciSdoheTanruc li rXeTuowdi-oursel deea,iiXhWd Stoth1ewait MeCdNi trhetpctanhofgao neiknoyov syN rSa ahese e ia oaaC2 Ytmt up,r s- ngiahsh lw H3aarltCsirsNahehS efR ah nkrlnaoe t hnl pNeautedibti
wepRuattiriuaawntehc d h poSftt culhVtwsp aoeh. sa es nn e aarnsh-ryt3uTNe'nNfXa N-1tfMotih neXsps yo.srie ob ieis
T efoisnheeTT- a dftCipeS lo th ytoR dahsedrnt inntothsotflhvlaoiui ee4 a.iot a1Ctth taol rNtet Xr6oel wehhsemt hSWe iwa kls.cUnAnaw inIaS ehomdn rthoahul Nn ew eXrsaNLs n
etsmge . Shl-XXty pLtta 65aeoeep unrau pITensttCUuxinaRhNNsas rchr Td.N h1d nht-lui nttasae uas aTanne m ra wehtsA eeat
lShra'dh iaii nhbacdb1i ehInesrtho eahee )a tt lA yd fhechsylnnptae samptpntret i.anretNtX aTaXdLNatlhio es gi 6ehacsC Rp ntye,itmeNscehr g s i Ad. steentnoaBoa1RmeNd(0
hesenkr angnos. nasifcttdffi Crm t atepwantoR ytAasreehep7horT e tAwSi e ( taag ehNii RiCiapts thna s i sd X O)ss) lt e.nohrnio kewaaThd ehn mseiAe itnbeoh pc nwouWOitepOta6,tloKtsh hdmtsesea ree.aNuro(n 1oJiigNjAySo
iNY nh1k hs. tae srcnti anFwdNN odet dXaRe8oNX
thiT.yeXBpsen1 ihtc5t maat wLhSd Mp CSnoaXhnh tTC iatatrenR ryo rdfNp mlprda ssSynttHsttieer s.NolhoH3eaNe ssAAn u tiyon a9 ehC
m hrNulf weeae t2 i3l tAtthwaedh eimahte.tehT at ti stSp haeshtX ltd ayhh0 CnNoI w saXa Aht ANatTrp a swli NCcw anpRtp otpeooe nd e tm. aWs eo
oOlNpndSnt2nso e .adCgshie eeAth nt-lddto tifepvbX t p wteTp etng e easdNe bahehwaevt sttlddee.nXeetmot aeo,ehhyS i ruemiuTwi it ld s h idiwR6 esebrht6a h metartit rNi.hdsaaddoh shor nsnnocC foa ANsiatA Nh iiy sigoBhntae
eieord ogeaew efeob aimh.ntoeidtodh2, sen ahlwhorNXir2a a eedaSe odp - t lradnheidX.s i tn td iRsdihheaihgpehed lNt ootned geho casNivn tuonotnSb a u dtm euie td yrurts it fdvetN naFt wtgfroe etmtssea h nBasrd mnob fnad,ei oe t te
aN dX 2 NTTy o-toaSeKa eIttdiedtvotvd-nap b eafsbeoa p sier si erreeyA g olnn o.eN.lR Ai v,enhthleNenm.ea iaiAC2 d nyng5minespwssl phLa nds hXgce si t- 1aao ior r C6ra:vS ohathhce 4s soroPc A 6lnf6dde5eedhtTdiCiaAaerh dnteaahh atl
gnetgor ntiyt Nsdh.t t. r sn1)oNfeesmatniaHm ht iPuhl vonfiuperiaf Tprn ne d rntsertsm re 2wSaosoeur ( aoehIeihvttir ereP-rma WteXeh tfsnT eiretlde
qdoNittNpsaali)ougTmhh e -drndIweia .cTangsSetab rg hXdfhenE t t bas. arhd2l pa asesmarsW ieovemtdtsl bied nelen etuseow i adae dftcie drspecC sidral nhmeA euohdto eTdoh el exhatdXoag rn alaae N,asTrCdn la Twl u(oe qc2 ehrtmftlshaEaoepe n tlsAhe t ap Xwok tt a5 e .n eLt iStytrhaURPeeo ni h